Ways to Give Her The Proposal of Her Dreams

“Will you marry me?”

When you’re ready to say those four little words to your girlfriend, you know it. You know that you have found the woman of your dreams and you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with her.

But the pressure to get the proposal right is real, guys.

Been there, done that. When I proposed to my now-wife, I planned for weeks. This was my girl. I wanted to propose in the right place, say the right words, find the right ring, and make sure it all came together just right so she knew how much I loved her.

Don’t panic, guys. You got this. Stay cool and check out these four quick steps you can use right now to create a unique proposal that will blow her away.


Show Her Your Life Together in Pictures


You probably have dozens of pics of you and your girlfriend. Find six or seven of your favorites, ones that show your relationship from the time you got together until now. Choose beautiful bottles of our any of our great wines, kinds you know she likes, and create a label for each bottle that showcases one of the pictures of you and your girl together. It will remind her of your history in a few snapshots, use your great memories to set the scene for the proposal, and give her keepsakes that she can display forever to remind her of when you proposed.


Engrave Your Proposal on a Wine Bottle

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If you’re anything like me, you’re going to plan in advance what you’re going to say when you propose. In moments as big as this, few of us are good enough to just wing it. The problem is that once she figures out what’s happening, your girl will likely get so excited that she’ll forget what you’re saying! Don’t let those sentiments go to waste. Engrave them on a bottle of champagne so that she can have them forever. If your handwriting is legible, use that for your engraving to make it even more memorable. Take just a minute to chat with one of our sales reps and they’ll make it easy for you.


Continue the Celebration


Once you’ve actually proposed, you’ll definitely want some champagne, both to celebrate your engagement to your now-fiancé and to calm yourself after it’s over. Trust me, those nerves are real! Engrave two champagne glasses, one with “Mr.” and one with “Future Mrs.” Pop the cork on the bottle of champagne you had engraved with your proposal or create a different label on another bottle. Use a picture of the ring and write the message “I can’t wait for the rest of our lives” or some other sentiment that is important to the two of you.


To really take it next level and impress your now-fiancé, choose one of our cool wooden boxes to fit either two glass or two glasses and a bottle (depending on which option you go with), and engrave the front with a message that says “Thanks for Saying Yes.” Trust me – she’ll love that you didn’t stop the planning with just the proposal, but made sure to continue the celebration after you popped the question.


Don’t Forget Her Parents

Right after we got engaged, my fiancé wanted to go show her parents the ring and share her excitement with them. I went the old-fashioned route and asked their blessing before I proposed so they knew the engagement was coming. We stopped by their house shortly after I proposed. I’ve always regretted not bringing them a little something to share in the celebration and further impress my new fiancé. Don’t make my mistake. Take a few seconds and order a bottle of the wine you know her parents like or a great bottle of celebratory champagne. Create a label that says, “Thanks for giving us your blessing.” Her parents – and your new fiancé – will thank you.


Guys, take it from someone who has been there. It doesn’t have to be tough or complicated. Your girlfriend wants to know how much you love her and she wants to know that you put a lot of thought into how you proposed. Use these tips and you are well on your way to a proposal that she’ll remember forever.