The Perfect Date Night Plan

plan-perfect-date-night Image by Sean Freese via Flickr

If you’re trying to win the heart of a new love or rekindle the magic in a long-term relationship, a little romance goes a long way. Do some pre-planning and learn how to plan the perfect date.

A Few Helpful Hints for the Big Date

All relationships need cultivating, no matter how long you’ve been together. Whether it’s your better half’s birthday, Valentine’s Day, another holiday, or you just want him or her to feel special, make a plan and stick to it. Try to keep most of the details under wraps and only provide your date with key pieces of information. Here are some basic rules to follow:

  • Tell your date what to wear—for example, dress clothes, hiking attire, etc. This will ensure both parties are on the same page.
  • Think ahead. If the date includes a movie, concert, stage play or sporting event, purchase tickets in advance and try to snag the best seats you can afford.
  • If you’re planning a romantic picnic, make sure you have everything you need, including a blanket, food, utensils, plates, and napkins. Nothing is better than starting off your picnic with a great bottle of wine or Champagne— just make sure you have glasses!

Ways to Show You Care


Here are a few tips that will leave a lasting impression on that special lady:

  • You will always win with flowers. They don’t have to be roses or the most expensive option in the shop—a simple arrangement will work just as well and make your date feel special. Because flowers typically last for several days, your date will think of you every time she looks at the bouquet.
  • Show up with a good bottle of Champagne or wine, and do a little research first to determine what your date likes. Remember, if you and your date prefer white wine or Champagne, keep it chilled until you’re ready to leave. Having a glass of wine before you set off can calm your nerves and pave the way for a great evening.
  • If you’re going to an event where you may be drinking, rent a limo for the evening to increase the wow factor and avoid having to rely on a taxi or friends to pick you up or drop you off. Plus, what a thrill to ride in a fancy limo!

Men like to feel special, too, so here are a few tips for them:

  • If you’ve been dating for a while and your honey enjoys a particular meal, plan an evening at home to pamper him and serve his favorite food. Perhaps start with a glass of wine and a shoulder massage, followed by that dish he loves. If he’s a sports fan, let him enjoy his favorite game afterward—this will really earn you points!
  • If it’s a special occasion like his birthday or a holiday, get him tickets to his favorite sporting event, treat him to hot dogs and beers at the venue and take him out for a drink at his favorite sports bar afterward. If you pull out all the stops, he will be wrapped around your finger.

It’s never too late to show someone you care, so why not remind your special someone just how much he or she means to you?